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About Us


We’re a team with passion for Supply Chain transformation

About Us

We’re a team with passion for Supply Chain transformation

Our story begins with Last Mile operations and evolved with our Digital Platform

Henzai Suru Logistics was born in 2015, performing Last Mile services with disruptive operating models and having as its greatest strength the deployment of a platform to manage logistic resources and information with higher efficiency.

After investing and optimizing our Henzai Suite platform, we decided to transform the business model by comercializing it and using it to provide 4PL services.

We are currently working with our clients to upgrade their Supply Chain towards digital transformation: Optimization Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning, etc.

Our Vision

Provide the most specialized and integral digital platform to support specific needs of the Supply Chain of diverse industries, simplifying the integration of operations toward digital transformation. 


What is the meaning of Henzai Suru?

Procedes from the Japanese word 遍在する; which means Ubiquity: The capability to be present in all places at the same time. 

What is Henzai Suru?

We are a team with more than 20 years of experience in different areas related to suppyment, that have developed multiple solutions for the industry. 

What is the cost of the solutions?

Each solution is like a tailored suit for which the cost is determined and adapted for the requirements of our clients. 

Who are our clients?

We have clients in diverse industries: Retail, Telecomm, Security, Logistics, etc.

What makes Henzai Suru different?

Our team and our technology. The people that work with us have the experience focused on results. Our homegrown tech has been developed using the daily experience of our experts and clients.